Airbus: the sky is yours
Vehicle development Urban air operations

Airbus: the sky is yours

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Airbus wants to create more sustainable and efficient cities. They invented the new on-demand helicopter booking platform, called ‘VOOM.’ This helicopter can fly you to your destination without being stuck in traffic. “In rush hour traffic, that journey can take two hours, it took me just 11 minutes of flight time.”  - Head of Programmes and Strategy for Urban Air Mobility (UAM).

Voom is already flying in Sao Paulo and it will be launched in other cities in 2019. “Voom has proven to be an awesome mechanism for us to glean key insights into the potential of the on-demand air mobility market and passenger preferences, and we are constantly relaying those insights to the UAM team,” says Monnet.

Airbus aims to shape the third dimension of mobility, read here why.

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