Vodafone successfully completes first EU trial with drones
Integrated skies Urban air operations

Vodafone successfully completes first EU trial with drones

Friday, 23 November 2018

Known as the “world leader of Internet of Things (IoT) services and business,” Vodafone Group has been successful in completing the first trial in Europe for long distance drone flights being supported by mobile networks.

“Vodafone’s Radio Positioning System (RPS), which was first announced at Mobile World Congress in March 2018, uses a 4G modem and SIM attached to a drone, enabling a self-learning artificial intelligence system to calculate the position of the drone. The system will be able to indicate if a drone has veered off an agreed flight path, helping to safeguard aircraft, civilians, sensitive facilities and other drones.”

There will be more demonstrations taking place, which will be part of the “Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking” aiming to show how Europe is on the right track of ensuring “safe and secure drone traffic management.”

Read more about the results of Vodafone’s first trial here.


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