Event Policy and regulations Vehicle development Urban air operations

UAM and the role of cities: ADW Industry update

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Amsterdam Drone Week presents the first Industry Update on 1 July. Online panel discussions, round table discussions, interviews and speed-dating sessions take place. The morning is presented by Servaz van Berkum and Vassilis Agouridas. Guests include Maria Algar Ruiz, Drone Program Manager at EASA; Alex Sinclair, CTO at GSMA; Simon Hocquard, Director General at CANSO and city stakeholders to discuss the fast-growing drone industry.

“What is the status of U-space and what about public acceptance? Servaz van Berkum asks Maria Algar Ruiz, Drone Program Manager; Ken Engelstadt, Project Manager U-space and Nathalie le Cam, Senior policy officer Urban Air Mobility. All three from EASA. They will also present the outcome of the EASA study on societal acceptance of UAM. Later they will discuss the agenda for the EASA High Level Conference.

Blueprint for future skies
A round table discussion will take place about: ‘Safe, Secure and Sustainable Management of the Urban Sky’. Important questions that will be answered by experts from all over Europe are: What is the role of cities in the regulatory framework for UAM? What are the results of the EASA study on societal acceptance of UAM in Europe? And what are the requirements for noise, privacy and cyber security? Halfway through the Industry Update, Simon Hocquard (CANSO) and Alex Sinclair (GSMA) will discuss the questions "How far away is globally interoperable UTM and ATM?" And "What is the importance of cooperation between the mobile and aviation industry?". Hocquard will certainly also comment on the recently launched CATS Global Council.

For those capable of understanding the Dutch language, there is also an afternoon program. This is entirely focused on the Dutch Drone Agenda. Various experts will discuss the future of Dutch airspace with ministries, municipalities and research institutes.

Programme and registration
View the full programme of the ADW Industry Update and register here.